Global Pump SafeGuard System
Emergency Backup/Auxiliary Service
The Global SafeGuard backup system is ideally suited for operation in municipal or industrial applications where provision for electrical power failure or duty equipment failure is necessary for essential pumping requirements.
Standby, or backup systems are a critical aspect of facility design in wastewater facilities ensuring that working pumps are available when they are needed.
In the past, standby generators have been installed to supply backup power to the duty electrical pumps when the electrical power is down. However, these standby generator systems themselves can fail due to the very same events that knock out power from the electrical grid. Just as important, a standby pumping system can be available in case of duty equipment failure, including the duty pump, switch gear, or control panel. A standby system can also cover pipe failure if it occurs before the connection valve.
Download Global SafeGuard Backup Pump System cutsheet (PDF)
- By monitoring water level in the wet well, the engine driven standby pump will automatically start when needed whether as a result of electrical power interruption or equipment failure, and give continuous unattended Auto Priming performance.
- The standby system offers a safer environment when performing routine maintenance on the duty equipment.
- The standby pump will save you the cost of load testing a backup generator.
- Engines can be diesel or natural gas as required.
- Units are available in Open or Enclosed configurations.
- Standby Pumps can be supplied as permanently installed system.
- Diesel engine driven skid or trailer mounted units allow for relocation to various jobsites for other requirements.
- Sound Attenuated Trash Auto Prime pumps are ideally suited for standby operations in residential and other areas where noise reduction is paramount.
- Large, lockable doors provide easy access to the interior for control, routine service and fueling while all individual panels and doors are removable to allow open access during major overhauls or maintenance.