Distributors Wanted

Looking to Increase Distribution Globally

Global Pump continues to expand distribution in the U.S. as well as globally. Many areas of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America, need qualified distributors who can represent our global-class products.

We are looking for quality, motivated organizations that can represent us in our core industries including construction and mine dewatering, sewer bypass, oil and gas water supply, emergency disaster recovery, marine, environmental, utilities, governmental, and industrial. If you are qualified to join a global-class pump manufacturer, please contact Gino Mersino at gino@mersino.com or by phone at 810-653-4828.

Aquatech Associated Pump bepump
Bertrem Products C&C Pumps Cashman
CESSCO Geirke Robinson Gracida
Inner City Diesel KETO Pumps Morrow Water
NAM LE Normco Pump and Power
TTPM Technosub Wyoming Cat